Esclerales de última generación para transplante de córnea bilateral

Aitana Munguia Conejero (ES)

Las tecnologías de medición de la superficie ocular y de fabricación delentes desarrolladas en la última década desempeñan un papel fundamental en el manejo de estospacientes. Las lentes esclerales personalizadas pueden ser una solución que cambia la vida parapersonas que, de otro modo, no tendrían una visión funcional.

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light blue background. left to right: scleral lens, two bi-sphere elevation maps of the ESP for both eyes used for empirical calculation of the lens, a portrait photo of Aitana Munguia

Next-generation sclerals for bilateral corneal transplant

Aitana Munguia Conejero (ES)

Ocular surface measurement and lens manufacturing technologies developed in the last decade play a critical role in the management of these patients. Customized scleral lenses can be a life-changing solution for people who would otherwise have no functional vision.

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Empirical Freeform Scleral Lens Fitting

Kyriakos Telamitsi (CY)

Whereas conventional scleral lenses are fitted using a trial lens adjusted for a proper fit, freeform scleral lenses are designed empirically based on individual corneo-scleral profilometry. This scan-based approach can improve patient outcomes, significantly reduce chair time and the need for refits, and ultimately lead to greater patient satisfaction.

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Unlocking NewVision for Dry Eye Patient

Dr Patrick Simard (CA)

Using true elevation data from the ESP, covering the complete cornea beyond the limbus, instead of relying on extrapolated information from traditional topographers, is crucial in achieving an optimal alignment, especially with larger-diameter OrthoK lenses extending beyond the limbus.

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The Key to Successful Hyperopic OrthoK

Dr Aaron Wolf (USA)

Successfully inducing steepening in the central cornea can be more challenging than flattening. For this patient, the complete correction and stability were only achievable due to the complete corneal data gathered using the ESP, allowing for a precise, tailored lens fitting.

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Two Curves are Better than One

Dr Sheila Morrison (CA)

Understanding a patient’s ocular shape and how to customize soft contact lenses to better contour the unique eye can help achieve an optimized contact lens fit. This novel custom soft, oblate, dual base curve lens design was effective for this post-refractive contact lens fitting.

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This is why we show up every day

Dr Barry Leonard (USA)

Speed was of the essence and Profilometry helped us identify the best lens reducing refits and time.

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Truly Custom Scleral Lens for Dry Eye

Dr Bradley Richlin (USA)

Very succesfull empirical fitting with the Eye Surface Profiler and BostonSight SCLERALs. Patient reports exceptional comfort and relief from dry eye.

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Decentered Multifocal WAVE ScleraLens

Dr Sheila Morrison (CA)

Decentered multifocal optics were succesful utilizing the WAVE scleral lens data-driven from the Eye Surface Profiler.

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Using BostonSight Smart360 Technology

Dr Sheila Morrison (CA)

Offering your patients Profilometry based free form scleral lenses not only impresses the patients, it also cuts down on chair time and patient visits.

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