Cian Gildea
Cian Gildea completed his bachelor degree at the Dublin Institute of Technology where he gained his BSc Optom with honors. During his course, 6 months were spent at the university of Houston expanding his knowledge on contact lenses. He is currently working as a clinical optometrist at the Wellington Eye Clinic in Dublin, Ireland. The Wellington Eye Clinic is a laser and refractive practice, with a special interest in corneal cross linking. Mr Gildea has a strong interest in specialty contact lenses and their application for irregular corneas.
Male 49 years old, diagnosed with a keratoconus grade 3+ in his left eye. Current lens is pressing on the top of the cornea and needs to be replaced. VA with the lens is 6/15 (logMAR 0.4). Patient presented a pinguecula on both of the eyes. It was decided to use a hybrid lens to provide the visual acuity of a rigid lens and the comfort of a soft lens. The aim for the soft skirt was to drape over the pinguecula and prevent irritation.